
5 Minutes with a Property Solicitor

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5 Minutes with a Property Solicitor

Rachael Flannigan is a Solicitor in the Residential Property Team at Bell Lamb & Joynson. The role of a property solicitor can be very fast-paced and stressful, but also incredibly rewarding.

We spend 5 minutes with Rachael to find out more about what inspired her to become a property solicitor, what it's like to work in residential property and how she juggles family and work life...


Tell us a little bit about what it is like to work in a busy conveyancing department? What type of transactions do you typically work on?

Every day is different in some way. Whilst the process of most matters is similar its rare to find two sets of deeds the same, and equally all clients are different with a range of needs from their solicitor. I generally work on a mix of cases; the expected sales and purchases but also some more complex maters like bridging loans, Building Safety Act matters etc.

Is there one thing that you wish clients understood more about the conveyancing process or how solicitors work?

Mainly that we are on the same team, striving for the same goal. I think sometimes we are often seen as slowing the process down or being pedantic, but we are trained to look for issues and fix them, so they aren’t a problem for our clients in the future. Buying a house is one of the biggest investments you are likely to ever make, whether that is for £50,000 or £1million- our job is the same - we are there to protect you.

Do you have any key moments that stand out in your career so far, where you have had a particularly complicated or rewarding transaction?

I became director and head of department in my last role which was a career highlight. In respect of rewarding cases, there have been many. We have such a vast range of clients we help move and some have genuinely heartwarming and sometimes heartbreaking reasons for instructing us- from selling their family home via probate, to helping clients not have their property repossessed, to even just a family buying their perfect family home.

Did you always know that you wanted to be a Solicitor?

I wanted to be a vet when I was about 7, but realised I was really Squeamish. I knew I wanted a job to help people but also, I was set on being a ‘professional’. It was my goal to be the first person in my family to go to University.

What made to you choose to qualify into residential property over any other areas of law?

My stepdad owned rental properties and so I was exposed to property when he met my mum when I was about 14. I got really involved in the legal side of things with him and my mum. This helped me get my first job after University. I soon realised I loved the sense of achievement I got from being good at something.

How do you balance family life with work?

Working at a very supportive firm goes along way, but I also have a very supportive husband and my mum lives next door! So, I have a village surrounding me, enabling me to be there when I am needed but also really be me when I am in work. I love my two days in the office being Rachael (not just mum) and I work flexible hours so my son & I have 1 day a week together, which I equally love.

It must be rewarding seeing clients move into their dream homes…. But what would your perfect ‘dream home’ look like?

It’s so rewarding, one of the best bits of the job is looking at the sales particulars. I really love home design and I’ve gotten so much inspiration from seeing the houses my clients have bought. We are very lucky to live on a small holdings surrounded by countryside, so I do love where I live, but I wouldn’t say no to winning a bigger house! I love to travel to new places, but home for me will always be North Wales/ Chester.

Is there anyone in the legal profession that you look up to or who inspires you?

Loads! I respect so many of my colleagues and their journey into the profession. I have been lucky enough to have worked with some amazing lawyers, but I’m particularly influenced by some of the really strong women in the industry.

What advice would you give someone studying law or in their training contract?

Work hard and believe in yourself. My confidence in my ability has come a lot later on in my career and one thing I have learnt is no one will cheerlead for you more then yourself. Its not an easy job and there are days you will question why you’ve picked this profession, but there are so many areas of law, find your niche and remember you work a long time- enjoy it!

Lets get to know you better with some quickfire questions:

What is your favourite holiday destination? Spain for ease but I’ve loved Australia and Dubai.

What is your favourite quote or saying? “Teamwork makes the Dream work”

What is your favourite TV series? Greys Anatomy

What podcast are you listening to at the moment? Happy Mum Happy Baby

Do you have a favourite music genre? No, I love anything I can have a sing and dance to!

Who is your favourite singer/band/song? Pink, Whitney, Meatloaf, Usher- a huge mix!

Do you follow any sports or support a team? I am the most unsporting person you will ever meet- so if BLJ ever get me to sign up to one of their challenges, you know it will be a challenge for me for sure!

What was your dream job as a child? Vet or Lawyer (more Elle Woods from Legally Blonde then Property)

What is your favourite tipple? Malibu & Coke

What is your favourite cake or sweet treat? Diary Milk every time!

How do you spend a typical weekend? With my family on our small holdings

Do you have any pets? A Yorkshire Terrier called Mario who thinks hes a Rottweiler

What is your favourite type of cuisine? Does Chocolate count?

Who would be your 3 dream dinner party guests? The Queen, Reece Witherspoon & Jason Manford, just to lighten the mood!

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