
GBH Sentencing Guidelines Explained

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GBH Sentencing Guidelines Explained

In the UK criminal law realm, offences involving violence are treated with the utmost seriousness. Grievous bodily harm (GBH) is one offence that carries significant consequences for individuals who are found guilty.

Sentencing guidelines have been established to aid judges in determining the most appropriate penalties. These guidelines have been established to ensure consistency and fairness during the judicial process. GBH sentencing guidelines can be difficult to understand, but we're here to break them down. To find out more information, read on.

Understanding Grievous Bodily Harm

Before delving into the intricacies of GBH sentencing, it is essential to comprehend the nature of the offence. Grievous bodily harm refers to the act of causing serious injuries or harm intentionally to another person.

Severe physical injuries caused by GBH could include broken bones, disfigurement, or internal injuries. In some cases, these injuries can be life-threatening. The severity of the actual bodily harm inflicted is a vital factor that determines the appropriate and most suitable outcome regarding the charge and sentencing.

GBH offences are categorised into two main types; Section 18 and Section 20 offences under the Offences Against the Person Act 1861. Section 18 GBH is the more severe of the two, involving really serious harm with the intent of causing bodily injury.

However, Section 20  involves intentionally causing harm without the specific intent to cause GBH during the assault.
The maximum sentence for GBH if it's an offence under Section 18 is life imprisonment. For section 20 wounding, it's 5 years. However, if the offence committed is proven to be racially or religiously aggravated, the maximum sentence increases to seven years of custody.

The differences between the two are crucial to understand, and they significantly influence the sentence that's imposed; let’s take a look at three key factors that influence sentencing for GBH.

Level of Intent

The starting point is deciphering the level of intent. The court judges GBH with the intent to find out whether the harm was inflicted with the specific intent to cause a serious injury. If your case proves that there's clear evidence of premeditation or planning, higher culpability is attributed.

Degree of Harm

The severity of the injuries caused by the offender who's committed the violent crime plays a pivotal role in determining the sentence. The court spends time assessing the long-term consequences of the harm that's been done, including lasting physical or psychological harm to the victim.

Aggravating Factors

Factors including the use of weapons, targeting vulnerable victims, or relevant previous convictions for violent offences often lead to an increased sentence. The court will also consider if the offence that took place was in the presence of other individuals, potentially causing fear to other people at the scene.

There are two categories of GBH offences; Section 18 and Section 20. Being able to differentiate the two can be difficult; these sections specifically outline the different degrees of severity and intent, influencing charges and sentencing.

Impact Statements

Victim impact statements play a crucial role in GBH cases, providing victims with an opportunity to express the physical, emotional, and financial impact of the offence on their lives.

Judges consider these statements when determining an appropriate sentence, homing in on the human aspect of the crime. Emotional trauma, medical treatment, and any lasting, impactful effects on the victim's quality of life are all often taken into account.

The Impact of Guilty Pleas on Sentencing

A defendant's plea can significantly influence the sentencing outcome. The Criminal Justice Act of 2003 provides for reduced sentences in cases where the defendant pleads guilty at the earliest opportunity.

This demonstrates acceptance of responsibility while saving the crown court valuable time and resources. The extent of the reduction in sentencing heavily depends on how early the guilty plea is entered into the legal process.

In cases where individuals feel that the sentence imposed is unjust or disproportionate, you can appeal. The Court of Appeal has the authority to review sentences and might increase or decrease them based on the circumstances of the case. It's rare to achieve a successful appeal; the court must be convinced that there was a significant error in the initial sentencing.

Criminal Law Services at Bell Lamb & Joynson

GBH offences are among the most serious crimes in the UK, carrying severe consequences for those found guilty. The sentencing guidelines for GBH offences take into account various factors, from the level of intent to the degree of harm inflicted.

It's crucial to have a clear understanding of the guidelines put in place for GBH sentencing. Both legal professionals and the general public must appreciate and respect the principles that guide the justice system in serving justice.

Here at Bell Lamb & Joynson,  we have a wealth of knowledge and experience dealing with all aspects of criminal law. Our firm was first established in 1821, giving us over 200 years' worth of experience to help handle your issues. Having helped people from all walks of life, our team has dealt with individuals from all areas.

We’re ranked in the top 10 criminal defence firms nationally; remaining by your side to defend your rights. Our criminal law services are second to none. We deal with different aspects of criminal law, from public order offences to assault, battery, ABH and GBH.

There are many ways that we help our clients; we advise you at the police station if you’ve been arrested, offering support and guidance. Representing and supporting you during criminal investigations, we’re on hand at all times, working on your behalf.

By working with our solicitors, you'll have access to 24/7 support. Our trusted solicitors offer the best defence strategy, offering different ways for you to challenge the evidence and work towards getting your case dropped altogether.

Available every day of the year, our solicitors can travel across the country to assist you at the police station, or court. Our police representation service is free of charge, as it's your legal right to have the right representation at the station. If you’d like to find out more about our services, please feel free to contact us today.

Mike Leeman

Mike is the firms Managing Partner. Prior to that he was the head of the criminal department and has over 25 years experience as Specialist Criminal and Motoring Solicitor.  Mike attended Calday Grange Grammar school on the Wirral and then studied at Sheffield Hallam University followed by the University of Sheffield. Over the years, he has been involved in a number of high profile criminal cases that have had national coverage. He has been the firms managing Partner since 2019.