
Tips for Moving Home

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Tips for Moving Home

‘Don’t forget the boxes…?’

Ok, you got us, this isn’t going to be your usual how-to guide. We are one of Liverpool’s oldest solicitors after all.

Moving home is stressful. As conveyancing solicitors we have been helping people buy new properties for a long time. And time after time it isn’t moving home that stresses our clients out, it’s the daunting and often underestimated short term financial burden that can have rational people irrationally pulling hairs. So we have outlined a few costs that, if planned for can make moving house the exciting new adventure it should be.

First it should be made clear that costs vary between provider and often it pays to plan rather than skimp. Very often you get what you pay for… do you really want risk a setback on what, for most people, is biggest financial investment they will ever make for the sake of saving a few pounds?

Suzanne Daley

Suzanne is a Partner and family law specialist and heads our Family Law team. As a member of the Family Law Panel, she is experienced in all aspects of Family Law, Suzanne prides herself in her professional yet approachable style and ability to guide clients through what are often complex and emotional proceedings.